Bowery Bob In a Lock & Co Hatters Tweed Hunting Coat
Bought this coat at a sample sale. Every few years I'll get seduced at some private sample sale. Im not talking about the vacant stores on broadway or in soho that have signs taped in window and idiots handing out flyers on the streets sample sale. I mean, a designer or brand or dealer inviting up their friends and family and serve drinks while people chit chat. In this case, the fella makes coats for stores like Paul Stuart and said it looked great on me… While it did, it was also a size big on me. I hate guys in tight coats, but I dont feel comfortable in an oversized one myself… This one has a swing vent or whatever its called. The pockets are lined for game… similar to the game pocket on a Barbour. Also has leather buttons that extend from the hand warmer pockets to the flap pocket for after you've shot something. Pure elegance to say the least. Im happy I have friends like Bob that are just that much larger than myself.