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Tag Archives: Bags

October 26, 2010

Nepenthes Tie-Dye ~ Shoes of New York Fashion Week

Walking on Lafayette I ran into some of the Needles/Nepenthis/Engineered Garments fellas. Had a few of them bare their soles. Of their socks that is. Coincidentally I ran into them again the next day in the shoe dept. of Brooks Brothers…
A quick backshot to see their bags…
These are some old Needles Birkenstock I think. Thyre beyond amazing. Look at that sole, That hardware!
The next day, outside Brooks Brothers uptown.

October 20, 2010

Isadore ~ He Was Inspired By Bochurim

Gevalt! Egad! First thing that came to mind when I saw Isadore with his fedora and black and white gettup I was immediately taken back to my yeshiva days when walking around town, a bochur had to have his hat and jacket on or else! He told me they inspired his lewk….I hope bochurim are not carrying purses and I know no rosh yeshiva would allow such sandals sans socks, but this is one I had to share with ya’all.
Giving you both because I cant figure out which one to give ya… I like the first because you can see the collar better. I like the 2nd because the image is overall clearer.


October 7, 2010


P9089951 The shot I aways love, The 1st shot. Before he noticed me creepin up.
Mo2 Theres something special about a hat thats pinches are a bit off centered. The Late Lubavitcher Rebbe O.B.M. Menachem Mendel Schneerson wore his fedora like so. Probably from taking it on and off by the crown. Eventually the pinches get off set. Not sure if thats what happened with this straw hat but I'd like to think so.

October 5, 2010

Matt S. Jacobs

I give you an elder man, you complain he’s old. I give you a woman scantily clad and you complain, Here I give you a good transitional look from Summer to Autumn. A classic Brooks Brothers oxford shirt and some Levi 501’s. The briefcase is pretty rad, is it not? While Matt is almost a vegetarian his ball cap is made of linen or hemp…