Tag Archives: Belt
A Flea Market ~ Pleasanton, California
Beautiful old patchwork quilt.I love old hat boxes.
Like a chassid, only with a pony tail. You know how much I appreciate a shirt over a shirt done right! From an old Fill STation, I wanted them, but for what…& now that I’m looking at them for the 20th time I figured out a great use for them! Dude goin home with some antlers. Classic. Wow, what a hat band. I thought about getting it and putting it on a different hat… More work… Darn, cant believe I left it behind. Covering up from the sun. Love this old Levi’s belt. Removable CollarsThe guy says “10 bucks with the box, I says 5 w/o? He says 15 w/o. Walked with it for 5.
This isn't about my bad fotography, its about dudes style! Dude knits and sews better than most of your grandmothers. He also makes his own bags out of canvas, leather and straw.
Brendon ~ A New Denim Jacket & Vintage Denim Jacket
Dude is a stand-up fella. I have taken many photos of Brendon over the years, most dont turn out great (as I’ve stated previously I find it hard shooting friends)