Love his understated (looks to have been done by hand) monogram.
Phil Oh!
Tati Cotliar ~She’s amazing.Couple o’ local shooters.Arty!!! {watching Nikki or Prince, I forget, was more into shootin’} folks}
Um..Yeah, I know. She kills it every time.
To you, A gal wearing Levi’s cut-offs, a vintage Hawaiian shirt, LL Bean bucks & A Vintage Fendi bag. To me, a wealth of inspiration; season after season she serves it up.
Jealous, We Weren’t Allowed To Wear Colored Fedoras Like Back In Yeshiva!Edina ~ (Rad as always) In A Pleated Collarless Short-Jumpsuit? Coverall?Pleated Trousers.Khaki & Leather Biker JacketAn Almost Flat Brimmed Hat I Quite LikedSaw her out the winduh while driving,
Stepped out to take her picture. Do the boots work?Oh Cassie, In Hi-Waisted Vintage Levi’s Of Course!Loved Her Colors Reminded Me Of A Previous Chris Benz Collection.Garance in Scott’s Etro Shorts. I’d Pay To Shoot Scott In ‘Em.Sandra Nygaard I also photographed Kate, Grace, Both Annas, & some half neked modelgals.. but after reviewing in the lab, I decided not to post..Hope the above ladies are not mad at theirs.. Please let me hear from you if so and i will {maybe} remove it..
Took off to Maine right before Hurricane Irene for some much needed R&R.
Seen this sweet bike with some tartans and fur hanging off the rear.
A close-up of some dinglie-danglies.
More danglies
A back scratcher? Something to chase away the bad spirits on the road?
I could sit on that fenced in back porch looking onto the lake for days.. The sun came out for the last few days and where’d we go? LL Bean of course!
Can’t wait to go back next summer.. Thanks for the good time Aunt Shelly, SMB, KFB, JG, CC & ML