Mister Mort Mister Mort

Tag Archives: Bow Tie

June 18, 2011

Milan Fashion Week SS/12

I interrupt the coverage of Pitti Uomo to bring you to Milan. Figured I’d blog while its hot…P6173425Suckin’ on a cigarette.
P6173466Loved Eugene’s belt with that suit! Great contrast Sir Tong.
P6173480The pocket belonging to Nick Sullivan of Esquire.
P6173484Seen so many Rolex wristwatches in Italy it’s craze. Like they grow on trees.
P6173531Stubbs on the feet of Matt Singer
P6173534Not certain who this gent is but oh is he amazing!
P6173566While Im giving you birds..
P6173670The ladies were really giving pleats!
P6173612Nickelson Wooster
P6173624Wasn’t just the fellas in DB’s.
P6173736ADR’s bag
P6173761My favourite man in Italy.
P6173790This dude was not part of fashion week, he was about 75 yrs young.
DSCF0793She was just driving by..

March 22, 2011

Brendon ~ A New Denim Jacket & Vintage Denim Jacket

P1320534Dude is a stand-up fella. I have taken many photos of Brendon over the years, most dont turn out great (as I’ve stated previously I find it hard shooting friends)P5245785

February 23, 2011

A Peak Lapel Hudson Bay Coat worn with A Porkpie Hat & Bowtie

P2100106If you have visited my website/log before, you may have seen this dude before. I have shot him over and over since I first saw him walking in SoHo about twelve years ago. I think he’s been on here twice, the first time wearing the same coat. Most recently in the spring or summer wearing a madras plaid blazer, sweater tied around his waist or worn over his shoulders and silk knit tie outside Bergdorf Goodman where he does visual merchandising. Love a man that loves to get dressed! Can’t get over the color of his hat. Really beautiful!