The bear hanging in their home was a thank you gift from a man to the father of this home as a thank you for building his home.
Sat in a drum circle listening to Fred and his friends beat the drum and sing. The drum rests on their feet rather than the ground. I think thats for sound reasons but they did a few things that were tradition like rub the drum after each song and wrap it in its blanket.
Their son painted this Ratatouille themed kleenex box.
I spot him.
I’ve no idea what he’s pointing too but I like it. The hat looks so crispy from that angle too.
Beautiful old patchwork quilt.I love old hat boxes.
Like a chassid, only with a pony tail. You know how much I appreciate a shirt over a shirt done right! From an old Fill STation, I wanted them, but for what…& now that I’m looking at them for the 20th time I figured out a great use for them! Dude goin home with some antlers. Classic. Wow, what a hat band. I thought about getting it and putting it on a different hat… More work… Darn, cant believe I left it behind. Covering up from the sun. Love this old Levi’s belt. Removable CollarsThe guy says “10 bucks with the box, I says 5 w/o? He says 15 w/o. Walked with it for 5.
He hasn't seen his bride for one week.
I'm pretty certain I have not shared this fella with y'all previously. I was cruising some blog and dude was jumping for joy how sheer shirts (pretty certain he said tops) were finally 'in for men'. while he did say it would be a hit with gay men, I'm not sure the guy I photographed above is… He is a rad dude though!