Tag Archives: Furnishings
A Pork Pie
Saw Jeff walking around Levi’s Plaza and snapped this shot of his amazing hat customized over time by wear. The real way. I dont know for certain, but I can bet he didn’t buy the hat with the brim turned up like that. Now that I think about it, it’s similar to the way people out here in The Bay Area turn their brims up on fitteds. I believe Jeff lives in Portland where he works for Wieden Kennedy.
Double Breasted And Bolo Tied ~ NYFW FW11
Michael Hainey ~ A Parka & A Grey Flannel Suit
With all of us peacocks getting dressed over the top for this week of fashion shows/presentations, One must not overlook the simplicity in this mans look. While I have lots of favorites, this suit and boot was definitely one of my favorites.
Trimmed In Fur & A Yale Bulldog ~ NYFW FW11
He's got the opera tied scarf I always refer to!!! The millionaire way to wear your scarf! You GOTTA have a limo waiting to wear a scarf untied just as a lining around the collar!!! You cant say squat on this guy. He probably finances the show he just went to. Or maybe he thought he was there for the opera and was a month early. One elegant badasss man.