Mister Mort Mister Mort

Tag Archives: Grey

July 29, 2011

A Yellow Mercedes

P1320536P1320539P1320540In case you’re just tuning in. I document men and how they wear their clothes. I’m also very much inspired by and love old cars. Especially love the wear these old cars have in Northern California. So while I currently may not be walking Madison Avenue following men in Hermes or J Press, I am hiking while my pals surf and finding these amazing cars with patches (I’m sure Juan will email me the correct word for), and cars with colorblocking (doors or panels that are a few shades off or a completely different color). Can someone paint this car for me please?
Gut Shabbos.

July 28, 2011

Mini Bic Lighter Covers ~ MATT SINGER

LightersI detest how people ‘these days’ say ‘my friend’ or my good friend when they don’t even know the person. Matt Singer is a friend. I had the privilege of working with him at JACK SPADE. I was first introduced to Reynspooner from Matt and I’m sure a few other good things. His collection is pretty rad. Here you see just a smidgen of his flavour. Leather lighter covers in cheetah, dalmatian, and tie-dye prints & a version in brown lizard, each comes with mini Bic lighter.