Tag Archives: Hats
Brendon ~ A New Denim Jacket & Vintage Denim Jacket
Dude is a stand-up fella. I have taken many photos of Brendon over the years, most dont turn out great (as I’ve stated previously I find it hard shooting friends)
Customized Hat, Chocolate Eclair, Camo & Carhartt
A Pork Pie
Saw Jeff walking around Levi’s Plaza and snapped this shot of his amazing hat customized over time by wear. The real way. I dont know for certain, but I can bet he didn’t buy the hat with the brim turned up like that. Now that I think about it, it’s similar to the way people out here in The Bay Area turn their brims up on fitteds. I believe Jeff lives in Portland where he works for Wieden Kennedy.
A Khaki Hat Shaped For A Reason ~ NYFW FW11
Dude takes care of birds. On his roof or some NY shit. A Chelsea fixture…