If you have visited my website/log before, you may have seen this dude before. I have shot him over and over since I first saw him walking in SoHo about twelve years ago. I think he’s been on here twice, the first time wearing the same coat. Most recently in the spring or summer wearing a madras plaid blazer, sweater tied around his waist or worn over his shoulders and silk knit tie outside Bergdorf Goodman where he does visual merchandising. Love a man that loves to get dressed! Can’t get over the color of his hat. Really beautiful!
While walking from SoHo to my first presentation of New York Fashion Week I ran into Ricky. When he got off the horn, he showed me his new Frank151 book & a photo in his notebook of him and Joe Namath. And of course a shot of his home office.
I was waiting for my party at the clock in the main lobby of Grand Central Terminal yesterday and saw 4 men in short pants. Two looked like they had come in from Greenwich to hit the Downtown Athletic Club wearing camelhair overcoats, one looked like he was just a jock and then there was Jay. I had to talk to him…What a brilliant man, listen to his story.