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Tag Archives: Hats

February 23, 2011

A Peak Lapel Hudson Bay Coat worn with A Porkpie Hat & Bowtie

P2100106If you have visited my website/log before, you may have seen this dude before. I have shot him over and over since I first saw him walking in SoHo about twelve years ago. I think he’s been on here twice, the first time wearing the same coat. Most recently in the spring or summer wearing a madras plaid blazer, sweater tied around his waist or worn over his shoulders and silk knit tie outside Bergdorf Goodman where he does visual merchandising. Love a man that loves to get dressed! Can’t get over the color of his hat. Really beautiful!

February 15, 2011

Jay The Dog Walker Wears Shorts Rain Sleet or Snow 364 Days a Year

I was waiting for my party at the clock in the main lobby of Grand Central Terminal yesterday and saw 4 men in short pants. Two looked like they had come in from Greenwich to hit the Downtown Athletic Club wearing camelhair overcoats, one looked like he was just a jock and then there was Jay. I had to talk to him…What a brilliant man, listen to his story.

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