I was excited to be able to visit the archive collection that has just been brought over from Chicago.
It's a hundred years of Hickey Freeman and Hart Schaffner Marx artwork, marketing materials,
memorabilia etc.
Hart Marx owns both Hickey Freeman and Hart Schaffner Marx brands. They bought Hickey Freeman from the heirs in the 1960's and Hart schaffner Marx was one of their original brands. they were three men who started the company. mr. marx. mr schaffner and mr. hart. immigrants – the classic story. the new company is Hart Marx LLC and is based in New York with manufacturing outside of Chicago and in Rochester. The Hart Schaffner Marx stuff was sent to NY from the Chicago office when they consolidated from 3 floors to one floor. The Hickey Freeman archives was sent from the factory in Rochester. Both brands have dressed a long list of politicians such as Eisenhower, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Ronald Reagan – Colin Powell. Obama is the newest to wear Hart Schaffner Marx and VP Joe Biden wore Hickey Freeman at the inauguration this year.
While I don’t love flip flops in the big city (even on birds) She’s wearing those pants with extreme confidence. I love how she paired it with that macrame style vintage? crocheted? top and navy blazer.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Rene Ricard, I wish you could see his Hermes pumps. Black leather with white socks. Oh, it was also snowing on this day! his socks were soaked. Love this man. Talk about ghetto chic.
While Im not a big fan of suspenders with clips exposed ( I dont mind when covered by a blazer). I do love his pleated jeans !
Rene !
Dante !
Peep his pleats
If you cant button your denim jacket and youre not posing for your next album cover, you probably shouldnt be wearing it. I have seen alot of guys lately wearing tight jeans, a vintage T- and a denim jacket. This guy is ALWAYS wearing some small canvas skippies. not VANS but some keds or fake keds. The kind that look femme!
Look at Johnny Hallyday ! Say what you will, These guys are wearing denim that fits.
Tyrone is always dressed to the nines. Loves Ralph Lauren and wears it better than alot of folks. A bit much, but he's a hat maker, master sewer and talented dude, so I have no complaints. Besides, Im working on being nicer. Its hard to wear socks with these fancy shoes, but a solid color typically works, this is 1 of 2 shoes i like with a white (dress) sock. The black velvet slipper/shoe from stubbs is killer paired with a white sock. I have an old picture of Rene Ricard in black 501's, black Levi's denim jacket and black hermes men's pumps (blk tie) with white socks. So dope.