A little over a month ago I visited the recently re-opened Washington Square Park. It was one of those unseasonably warm days in April with temperatures in the upper eighties. This was a beautiful day and people were about it.
This is a look I have wanted to pull off for years and just have not. The pleated pant with a Pocket T-.
I love when companies take the leftover materials at the end of the day and turn something like this out. I bought some dishes from the 70's at a fleamarket once that were the same idea. They were marbled into a multi colored mix and give it a mixed-up feel. Kinda like me every day…This jacket was made for me.
As long as Ive known this gentleman he stays killing it. Since the days of New Republic I remember seeing him walking through SoHo always looking dapper. A true modern dandy.
I loved this movie. Mostly because there are so many great double breasted looks. Everytime I feel like posting something like this, open and available to all to see, I second guess myself and google it. The Trad and focus on style and a bunch of others have covered these fantastic holiday windows at the Bergdorf Mens store. The picture is not even a holiday film… just love the wide wale double breasted corduroy suit, the gry chalk striped db suit and the camel hair db overcoat…