Tag Archives: Leather
Bruce ~My fellow Aries
Always decked out, even on this Sunday afternoon. I like the way he wears his hard-bottoms with dungarees. Not precious and not too busted. Just comfortable ,with what looks like cashmere socks. Thank you for letting me get these shots Bruce, Its my good-bye to N.Y. for a bit. This is the last shot I took this Spring 2010. In the coming weeks I will begin sharing some photos of the West.
Vintage Throwback Dapper Gent in Flatiron District
Young Dapper Fella On Bleecker Street
Western in the Meat Packing
Say what you will, you always do! I love his suede jacket cut somewhat like a denim jacket. His heavy denim shirt is fantastic with its big pockets. I hate wimpy pockets! The belt is one of those I don’t love but oh so American. His scarf is very Euro and especially how he tied it, but I like.