One cool dude Beau Brummel, coxcomb, dandy, fancy Dan, fashion plate, fine gentleman, fop, slicker, stud andbox, brisk, chic, chichi, classy, clean, dainty, dashing, doggy, dressed to kill, dressed to nines, jaunty, natty, nice, nifty, nimble, nobby, posh, prim, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, smart, snazzy, snug, spiff, spiffy, spruce, spry, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, trim, turned out, well turned out
As long as Ive known this gentleman he stays killing it. Since the days of New Republic I remember seeing him walking through SoHo always looking dapper. A true modern dandy.
I loved this movie. Mostly because there are so many great double breasted looks. Everytime I feel like posting something like this, open and available to all to see, I second guess myself and google it. The Trad and focus on style and a bunch of others have covered these fantastic holiday windows at the Bergdorf Mens store. The picture is not even a holiday film… just love the wide wale double breasted corduroy suit, the gry chalk striped db suit and the camel hair db overcoat…