He's got the opera tied scarf I always refer to!!! The millionaire way to wear your scarf! You GOTTA have a limo waiting to wear a scarf untied just as a lining around the collar!!! You cant say squat on this guy. He probably finances the show he just went to. Or maybe he thought he was there for the opera and was a month early. One elegant badasss man.
I was waiting for my party at the clock in the main lobby of Grand Central Terminal yesterday and saw 4 men in short pants. Two looked like they had come in from Greenwich to hit the Downtown Athletic Club wearing camelhair overcoats, one looked like he was just a jock and then there was Jay. I had to talk to him…What a brilliant man, listen to his story.
Just pretend you didn’t see this photo and follow the sequence below. I know most of you are ADD like me and just wanna look and leave so Ill hit you with the best first, incase you don’t scroll down…
So… Since the move out west I have been getting on the bridges and out of the city any chance I get. On this particular morning I went with my friend to surf, I try and make photos on the land, he tries and catch waves or however the term goes. I spot this dude, his dog waiting for him on the beach below… He’s about to put that one hat inside the other… Setting up camp.
Then he comes up to where the cars are parked and is getting even more gear! His dog must be in the best shape a dog could possibly be in. Shoulda seen these activities. M. Williams woulda been happy like a puppy.
Oh, please don’t ask me about the dog, It was pretty, real nice, but I can barely shoot men, moving animals are even harder for me to capture…