Candy Stripes
Candy stripes
Mollusk Surf Shop ~ San Francisco
My New Pal Jim’s New Ties
This is a fabric chosen to make only ten ties for the curatory. Wish I could copy and past the correspondence I’ve been having with Jim. He’s so rad. Anyhow, I have been waiting and waiting to post his ties and just havn’t gotten around til now, by now they’re probably all sold out. you’ll just have to keep an eye out for new items.
All photos by: Gustavo Escobedo
London ~ East End in Two Days
Love these low desert boots w/ the binding of wax or whatever. His short sleeved sweatshirts pretty rad too. He is siting outside the Albam shop which was a new to me really cool shop. Nice oxford banded collar pop-over shirts..
A new Grenson shop with a cool staff. I just found this article and y’all should really appreciate it!
Can’t remember dudes name right this second! Matthew?So sick.
My favourite. The Casper.
A Custy.
Different than the gal in Wiliamsburg or San Francisco in the same polka dotted blouse and cut-offs.
Hostem has got to be one of the coolest shops in London right now. Like many I saw, they kept the old exterior or made it look old…
Just some of the brands they carry.Labour And Wait. One of the coolest shops in za vorld right now. they even have their own section at Dover Street Market. They sell kitchen supplies along with Musc from Portugal and Face Cream for the gals. Both come in the same packaging it has been in since the 30’s.
Another beautiful building.
The only way to display shirts. At The New Republic this is what the shirts were displayed in. I will have one in my shop one day.
In case you thought I was no longer shooting older dudes who stay killing it. The guy on the steps is here to remind you..
Said his inspiration is all Jerry Garcia. Saw dude outside Levisons on Cheshire Street. Really great 2nd hand mens shop. For a more wordy description check acl.
A few great short sleeved Levi’s work shirts. Not insanely vintage but insanely good.. Not just because I work here but because s/s work shirts are kinda good.
I’ve always been a fan of sammy scarves. I wont get into the history of them..that the mods popularized them, but I been collecting them for years. It always amazes me to find so many in one store.. Long story short, the best scarf to wear all year indoor or out.Some hipness in them streets. But a good look, not mad. At least in London when its summer you can actually wear wool cap and not look stupid. ITS NOT AS HOT AS SAY WILLIAMSBURG where you’ll look like a fool in that cap in the summer heat.
A store I have covered here before but as it’s my favourite shop in London, and it’s been 2 yrs since I’ve been. I’ll share. Not alot has changed which is a good thing.
Some silk robes at their shop across the way which only sells pajamas, robes & ties.
Folks Of The Flea Market ~ Alemany? Alameda?
His stripes. Temple of his shades & his shirt. Should I, Shouldnt I is what I’m thinking he’s thinking. I love the wool with tortoise and stripes. Like a still out of a film.
Check her teeth pin.