Jared Everett just joined us here in San Francisco as Master Tailor in the Levi Strauss flagship store. Love his 1920’s British workwear jacket. The buttons are just beautiful. The briefcase was previously owned by his grandfather. ALong with his motorcycle, Dude brings much flare to the city. Jared previously ran the Mister Freedom shop in Los Angeles.
I’m sure you can all agree with me here. Miles is sorta crushing it here on his way out of the office for the day.
& Chucks
Always decked out, even on this Sunday afternoon. I like the way he wears his hard-bottoms with dungarees. Not precious and not too busted. Just comfortable ,with what looks like cashmere socks. Thank you for letting me get these shots Bruce, Its my good-bye to N.Y. for a bit. This is the last shot I took this Spring 2010. In the coming weeks I will begin sharing some photos of the West.