Love his understated (looks to have been done by hand) monogram.
Phil Oh!
Tati Cotliar ~She’s amazing.Couple o’ local shooters.Arty!!! {watching Nikki or Prince, I forget, was more into shootin’} folks}
Um..Yeah, I know. She kills it every time.
Jealous, We Weren’t Allowed To Wear Colored Fedoras Like Back In Yeshiva!Edina ~ (Rad as always) In A Pleated Collarless Short-Jumpsuit? Coverall?Pleated Trousers.Khaki & Leather Biker JacketAn Almost Flat Brimmed Hat I Quite LikedSaw her out the winduh while driving,
Stepped out to take her picture. Do the boots work?Oh Cassie, In Hi-Waisted Vintage Levi’s Of Course!Loved Her Colors Reminded Me Of A Previous Chris Benz Collection.Garance in Scott’s Etro Shorts. I’d Pay To Shoot Scott In ‘Em.Sandra Nygaard I also photographed Kate, Grace, Both Annas, & some half neked modelgals.. but after reviewing in the lab, I decided not to post..Hope the above ladies are not mad at theirs.. Please let me hear from you if so and i will {maybe} remove it..
Love this pin! Beautiful tailoring on this M. Bastian for Gant jacket. There was some beautiful casual tailoring seen at this presentation.