Vintage Annie smoking next to 4 Times Scare
I have not seen a girl wearing vintage as well as Annie in a minute. That trouser with that sneaker!! looks like harris tweed paired with a cashmere keds
I have not seen a girl wearing vintage as well as Annie in a minute. That trouser with that sneaker!! looks like harris tweed paired with a cashmere keds
One cool dude Beau Brummel, coxcomb, dandy, fancy Dan, fashion plate, fine gentleman, fop, slicker, stud andbox, brisk, chic, chichi, classy, clean, dainty, dashing, doggy, dressed to kill, dressed to nines, jaunty, natty, nice, nifty, nimble, nobby, posh, prim, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, smart, snazzy, snug, spiff, spiffy, spruce, spry, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, trim, turned out, well turned out