a few fall shoe options
Church’s Aldens Peals Brooks Justins Nikes, heres an array.. just to get you going
Church’s Aldens Peals Brooks Justins Nikes, heres an array.. just to get you going
love this mens room signage, from a restaurant i frequent when in Paris.
a barn jacket always makes me think of Bean, which makes me think of chopping trees (never done) but i love the maine look. the liner that just happens to work although from another jacket, or even a jacket on its own? (that flap on that pockets make me think its its own jacket..He def. wears the hat. dont miss the leather band ! and the dunkin donuts napkins..
when i saw this gent in madison sq park one brisk am on my way into work, i walked past as to get a better view of the complete get-up, what initially attracted me was his rooster knit tie and fare isle sweater. then once i asked if i could take his photo i noticed the New Haven / NY train schedule peeking out from behind his square ! so i asked how he wasnt cold, and he replied “My DR says I have the DNA make-up of a polar bear”
these are how a cuff should look when youre no longer a boy.
how the khaki breaks ! and the wool trouser with that cap-toe ! the substantial cuff, i am told was popularized (on this side of the pond anyway) by J Press.
and where the khaki seam meets the wing tip is just superb! this shoe belongs to mister scott schuman www.thesartorialist.blogspot.com