Mister Mort Mister Mort

Tag Archives: Wool

Riding High Tokyo. I love a suit with a drawstring.

January 22, 2012

Stand Love ~ Nigel Cabourn for Eddie Bauer & A Look of Nigel’s ~ Pitti Uomo FW12

January 22, 2012

Day 2 Pitti Uomo FW12



P1103919Trying on one of my favorite items seen at the show. From Manatsash.

P1103858Love the wide bidniss.

P1103911Dope hoodie, he designs for Gaspard Yurkievich.


January 16, 2012

This Dude & His Double Breasted Blazers ~ Pitti Uomo FW12



P1101293I like how thyre slightly oversizedd, but yet they still fit, open.. He was a hoot to shoot!